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Historical Society Advances Projects

The Douglas County Historical Society held its July Meeting on  Monday, July 15th.

Sally called the meeting to order.  Pat read the minutes  [Joe F. made a motion to approve Tim seconded it] and gave the Treasurers report. Sharon made motion to approve. Tim seconded it].  

Old Business discussed:  The street sign has been displayed. John & Cameron Cluff’s help was greatly appreciated.  George built a border around it. It looks great, guys. A flower bed around the sign in the front yard is in process.

We are still waiting on a new flag.

Jackson Mill – Sharon made copies of information for the owner.  If you visit the Mill please leave it the way you found it.

Roof money – We are getting close to having enough, but still could use donations. We also discussed painting the garage a different color.

The Quilt Show is now August 24th. Raffle tickets are on sale for a chance of owning a beautiful new quilt. A motion was made to change date to 24th by Joe F. and seconded by Joe C. then approved.  Tim Ritter will be our speaker about his new book Sarah Burning at 12:30 pm that day.  

We need an ad for paper. 

New Business discussed: We had a couple stop by our meeting that was interested in finding out information on the Barber Shop owned by Chester Cameron.  If anyone has information, please let us know.

Memberships: The Old Iron Club Show will be in October [old steam engines will be displayed]; We discussed Christmas ornaments. 

The display case this next month will show quilt blocks for our quilt show.

The Pioneer Festival October 5-6 sent a letter and wanted to know if we wanted to set up a booth.

T-shirts were discussed.

Our Journal deadline is Oct. 15th. The Stout story will continue in this one. There is also a possible story on Guy Scott.  We still need stories for it.

The motion to adjourn was made by Joe F seconded by Sharon.  Those attending were: Tim Ritter, Sharon Sanders, Marilyn Alms, Joe Fleetwood, Joe Carmichael, Sally Hicks & Ledger, Pat Carmichael, Guests Ronnie Lee and Trisha Frazier.