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Skyline R-2 Board Receives Audit Report; Sees Bids on Buses

The Skyline R-2 School Board met in regular session on Wednesday, Nov. 16, with five members present. The consent agenda items consisting of Board minutes, bills and financial statement were presented and approved.

In old business, Matthew James, CPA, presented the 2015-2016 audit report. He stated “the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position-cash basis of the governmental activities and each major fund of Skyline R-2 School District.”

The Board approved the audit as presented.

Midwest Transit presented a bid for purchase of new buses along with warranty information and a quote for a maintenance contract on the buses.  The Board reviewed and discussed all material presented, but decided to table for further information.

In new business, the Board received two quotes for repair or installation of a new 3-door freezer.  The Board accepted the bid from Shannon’s Heating and Cooling to replace the compressor in the existing freezer.

Program evaluations were presented and approved for Parents As Teachers and Special Education.

Policies and Regulations that were presented and approved were:  Student Attendance allowing for excused absences in regards to going on agricultural trips; and  Administrative Leave policy that requires certain procedures when employees are placed on a paid leave of absence.

In the Superintendent’s Report:  Enrollment for August was 86 students in K-8th grade with 9 preschool students.

School board candidate filing will begin Dec. 13 and go through Jan. 17.  Skyline has three positions that will be up for renewal.  The next regular scheduled board meeting is Dec. 21.